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Multicolor Laser Photocoagulator

Multicolor Scan Laser Photocoagulator

Green 532nm | Yellow 577nm | Red 627nm

MC-500 Vixi

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MC-500/500 Vixi Resources

More detailsNidek Mc-500 &Amp; 500 Vixi: Multicolor Laser Photocoagulator

The MC-500 is a versatile laser photocoagulator capable of delivering yellow, green, and red laser for various treatments.

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More detailsIntroducing Mc-500 Vixi: The Power To Do More

The versatility of the MC-500 Vixi / MC-500 speaks for itself. The multiple functions of the MC-500 Vixi / MC-500 meet every requirement for laser photocoagulation.

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More detailsMulticolor Scan Laser Photocoagulator Provides Efficiencies In The Clinic

The MC-500 Vixi laser is capable of any combination of red, green, and yellow wavelengths – as featured on Retina Today.

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More detailsMultispot And Multiwavelength Lasers For Diabetic Retinopathy

Advanced laser technology allows less damaging, more efficient treatment delivery.

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